Friday, December 3, 2010

Pelosi Galore

Did you see Pelosi's face while Rangel was giving his "censure" speech? Christ, I thought Kennedy had died again! No, this isn't it.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Penny wise and pound foolish...

Listen up, people in Congress! I commented on this the last time it came up. You are morally obliged to continue unemployment benefits. Let me repeat for emphasis: YOU ARE MORALLY OBLIGED TO CONTINUE UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS! YOU are the ones who created this mess, maybe not you personally, but YOU as an institution. YOU have already approved to spend HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to do... what? And NOW you blanch at a measly $12 billion? Yeah, continue to hurt the people affected the most by this disaster. Smart.

P.S. $12 billion is only 1.54 percent of $780 billion.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

NFL, let's cut the bullshit!

All right. I've watch that goddam play ten times frame by frame and if there is any helmet-to-helmet contact AT ALL it's due to Fitzpatrick's head snapping forward after Harrison hits him squarely in the chest with his face mask. Harrison makes impact in a crouch and from the moment of impact the top of his helmet never changes position relative to the ground. That is, he doesn't "ride up" Fitzpatrick's chest resulting in the crown of his helmet impacting the QBs chin. Also, the referee has the flag out and is in his windup almost before Harrison falls to the ground on top of him. 

Goodell, stop running around in women's underwear and call off the fucking dogs! You've created such a goddam mess that no one knows WHAT the hell a clean hit is any more! Pretty soon you're going to have to hand out cards to fans entering the stadiums with diagrams indicating what is "now" legal contact. It's an "I can't tell you what an illegal hit is but I recognize it when I see it" kind of thing. That ain't gonna cut it, Pal. "You're ruining Christmas!"