Friday, November 4, 2011


The Steelers finish their rivalry a little early this season. The re-match usually comes in the final couple of weeks each year. That mean's whoever loses this game may have a difficult time catching up as they won't have that rematch too look forward to at the end. The teams have basically the same schedule over the final 8 weeks of the season except the Ravens have to play the Chargers in San Diego and the Steelers get, what should be, an easier game with the Chiefs at Arrowhead. Otherwise they have the same opponents for 7 of the last 8 games as neither team has yet to play a Division opponent except against each other.

There isn't a lot to say about this game as the two teams know each other so well. Game 1 was a circus of horrors for the Steelers as they committed 7 turnovers. For the season the Steelers turnover "ratio" is still -10 with 8 interceptions compared to a -1 for the Ravens with 6 interceptions. But, for the most part, statistics can be thrown out the window for these games.

Let's talk specifics:

1. Is Lamarr Woodley out or not? 

That could make a HUGE difference even if James Harrison plays as Harrison is coming off a long string of games missed and probably won't be in prime condition for this normally ultra-physical contest.


2. Hines Ward will be back. His experience and toughness will be required.

3. The key for the Steelers will be to stop Ray Rice and force Joe Flacco to bet them. Based on past history Flacco has been unable to step up when need against the Steelers.

4. The Steelers will need to use a similar short passing attack to that which defeated the Patriots since the Ravens have brought tons of pressure against Roethlisberger. A couple of deep throws to Mike Wallace will be warranted even if they go incomplete.

5. The games rests on the teams' respective defensive front sevens. Can the Ravens get to Roethlisberger and can the Steelers stop Rice?

STEELERS 20   Ravens 17

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Hallelujah! I though it would never happen, particularly since what it ultimate took was the Steelers' coaching staff to take a different approach to beat the patriots. It was some sweet revenge over last season's fiasco when I traveled to Pittsburgh to see Brady pick them apart. The good stuff first...

1. I can't believe Ariens finally did what I (and probably thousands of others) felt was necessary to beat the Pats on offense. Pass, pass, pass...  And a little run. And they didn't go deep AT ALL. I think they were trying it out on the Cardinals to some extent the week before. In fact, that may be the way that can beat ANYBODY. Wait until next year when they have Baron Batch (yeah, remember him) to catch passes out of the backfield!

2. The same for the defense. I hate to criticize Dick LeBeau but until Sunday he never came up with the defensive game plan that could stop Brady. Again, he took the path I suggested DURING last season's game... And it worked! This is how you stop the Brady-Welker connection and it also points out the fact that, if Wes Welker is your top receiver, you really don't have a "top" receiver. All you have is a group of guys who can catch the ball when Brady has room to throw his timing passes.

3. The team was obviously well prepared and intent on getting the Brady monkey off their backs. Obvious standouts were Woodley and Brown as well as the O-Line (despite giving up five sacks) and Ben (despite the sacks and the interception).

4. You've gotta feel for Maurkice Pouncey. He had to take on Vince Wilfork and now has to face Haloti Ngata in successive weeks.


1. I wasn't as impressed with the score based on the stats differential (2-1 time-of-possession, 2-1 total yards, 6 drives of 10+ plays, etc.). It just goes to show you how hard it is to beat Brady.

2. Red Zone failures continue to plague the Steelers. I mostly blame this on play calling (Ariens) and not execution. The TD-to-Field goal ratio must be improved, starting Sunday against the Ravens.

3. Steelers top three tacklers against Pats were DB's. That is NOT a good sign for the defense particularly since the Patriots only threw 35 times.

4. Taking a sack to throw an interception: New strategy to keep the Patriots in the game? Ben, Ben, Ben. Learn to throw the ball away. Some QBs are quite successful employing this technique (Brady, Brees, Rodgers, et al)particularly to avoid sacks and stay healthy. We KNOW you can extend plays and make something out of nothing. But against some teams it's better not to give up momentum by doing so and inevitably taking sacks. Plus, we'd like to see you play a couple more season.


Geez! After weeks of trying to get back into my blog... Passwords! I missed commenting on some really good stuff.