Tuesday, September 6, 2011

College Uniforms 2011

I like most of the Nike college uniforms;

except for the Maryland fiasco (which is actually and Under Armour design).

I understand the concept (the Maryland State Flag) but both patterns together? Unfortunately, I can't even say they're better than what I consider the worst uniform in major college football.

I can't wait until Joe Pa is finally gone as then they might upgrade. Perhaps he'll retire when a student trainer knocks him down in the locker room.

Steelers: Week 0

1. Ike Taylor--No problem with his playing with broken thumb. How much worse can is "pass" catching (interceptions) be. Perhaps they should break his other thumb. Larry Wilson once intercepted three passes against the Steelers with casts on BOTH hands.

2. James Harrison--As far as I'm concerned he's not ready to play at 100%. He'll need plenty of rest, particularly against the Ravens.

3. Maurkice Pouncey--Should be able to play but hoping he stays healthy. Losses of Baron Batch and Brian Leftwich are enough for the whole season for me.

4. Rashard Mendenhal--It appears that Redman and Dwyer may have what it takes to spell Mendenhall sufficiently for him to stay healthy.

5. Steelers WRs--Cotchery looks like a good addition but I'm hoping Sanders is fully healed and Brown continues his impressive preseason play.

6. Roethlisberger--Looked amazing in preseason. Here's hoping he gets better protection once the games count so he doesn't wind up looking like this again come January.

Game 1 Prediction: Steelers 27 Ravens 21