Thursday, November 18, 2010

Note to (Steel)ers

Please obtain a top-notch QB coach for His Immenseness, the famous Mr. R. Unless you're going to adopt a roll-out, moving-pocket type passing offense to take advantage of his ability to throw on the move (which you should), he is in dire need of learning pocket passing technique. Unfortunately, so far in his career he has gotten away without said technique but the last two seasons indicate he no longer does.

Remember thee guys? That offense worked pretty damn well.

After a uncharacteristically petulant day...

...I'm back. Sorry about that. The Patriots whoop-assing of the Steelers really got to me in that it was the first time EVER I had been in attendance for a post-Pitt Stadium Steelers' loss. Before that they don't count. Well, I hadn't been to that many games since I left Pittsburgh in May of 1973, but I had a nice 9-0 streak going for me (including SBs IX and X). That being said, back to business...

Based on what I said about Brady and Belichick in my post-game blog I don't really believe the following but I thought you might find them amusing (from

Football Scouting Methods by Bill Belichick.
Page 1, Chapter 1: Cheat.

Tom Brady's wireless hair curler runs on pure arrogance. 

Well, I guess Belichick DID cheat but I don't think it's what makes him a genius of a coach. There I said it again!

What's that all about? Back in September my wife and I went to a Maggiano's in Plano, TX. Of course, being football season, I was wearing a Steelers shirt of some kind. Long story short the manager was a huge Patriots fan and we made a bet; Steelers win I get a free meal, Patriots win I wear a Patriots shirt. Even before the start of the season, I was confident based on the number of times Brady had already beaten the Steelers. Well, I'm really not sure I can wear a Patriots shirt so instead I am going to offer as a substitute my post-game blog which includes high praise for Belichick and Brady. We'll see how it goes.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

After careful deliberation...

...I've decided Pittsburgh sports is no longer of the quality that I'm willing to waste my time on. So, adieu, until it improves significantly...

"Just like Pa?"

No, it's not GONE WITH THE WIND, but it's something similar. "Just like last year?" is the appropriate phrase. Yes, that's what we fear. 6-2 start last year and a 6-2 start this year, with TWO close loses in 2009 and one this season. Then the roof fell in. We all know what happened last year. The Steelers (I mean the "ers") actually went to 7-2 with a big win in Denver (where they play AGAIN this year, why?) and it was another close loss to Cincinnati that started a 5-game losing streak and the literal, if not actual, end of the season. This year a creaming by the Patriots is followed by a game with Oakland, who beat them in Pittsburgh past year as part of that losing streak. Is it coming apart again? If they lose to Oakland I think it's pack-up-and-get-out-the-golf-clubs time. After losing two of the last three games this team does not look like it's moving forward, especially since they almost lost the game to Cincinnati in between. The offense is in chaos (see below) and the defense was unrecognizable against New England. Oakland is not as bad as they were last year so... I'm taking bets. Anyone?

AN OFFENSE THAT'S UNRAVELING. OK, Ben, it's time to start throwing the ball away and stop taking sacks. The offense can't make up for the seemingly never-ending negative passing plays. It's killing drives and it's killing the offense overall. Also, have at least some idea who you're going to throw to when you come out of the huddle. Is it so bad that your primary receiver NEVER gets open and you're left back there totally clueless about what to do next? If it's that, you're in worse shape than I thought. Fore!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Notice anything in common between these two boneheads?

At least Bonehead No. 2 kept his shirt on. Really, what can you expect?

Jeff Reed: Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!

" was the turf that done it."

Wow, this guy went from pretty good kicker to total schmuck in less than a year. He allegedly had contractual problems with Steelers management but, based on his "evolved" attitude, I can now understand whose fault that was.

Yeah, the field at Heinz is "terrible." We could and have seen it (something I'd like to discuss with the Rooneys myself). But hey, just shut up and kick.

Oh, excuse me for not saying so earlier, NICE HAIR!

Steelers PERFORMANCE Against Pats

So many topics, so little time. This is COMPLETELY in no particular order (I'm not even going to re-write any of it) and please excuse the multiple words in EMPHASIS as I'm PISSED!

I was there. It was borderline EMBARRASSING. There were about three NE fans in our section and I HATED listening to them gloat. See more about HATE below.

This was absolutely THE WORST defensive "performance" I've ever seen from this defense. I can't even call it an "effort."

Per Troy Polamalu (who's name, including Harrison's, I do not even remember their names being called at any point in the game, see below about Brady and Belichick): "Oh no, it's very humbling." Do ya think?!?

From Bob Labriola, "It was lifeless, it was flat..." At the very least!

I positively hate them both but Brady is one of the top five greatest QBs OF ALL TIME (I think it really pissed him off that he was taken so low in the draft) and Belichick is a GENIUS. That's all there is to it. There, I said it. Yes me. How the hell else can they be 7-2 with their personnel? Wes Welker is their ONLY receiver who could start on ANY other NFL team... period! Belichick develops the plan and Brady executes. Not even General Patton was so adept at pin-pointing weaknesses of opponents.

Brady can throw to ANYONE who can get open and catch; "worst" receiver or "best."

You think we hate THEM, Brady and Belichick HATE, HATE, HATE the Steelers. They think the Super Bowl is their birthright and if it takes kicking the Steelers asses to do it, they will take on the task with of all their being. That's what we saw in this game. 

Rookie receivers, rookie receivers, rookie receivers. Sanders and the Big "R" looked like they had never even SEEN each other a football field before. Sanders has also cost them a couple of TDs in previous games by being in the wrong location on the field; too close to the intended receiver. Most notably in the New Orleans game (pass to Ward down the sideline).

In MY opinion the game was determined by the first play from scrimmage. I was TERRIBLY disappointed that the Steelers did not, at least, show some aggressiveness by starting out with a pass. It was obvious the Patriots anticipated a run as well as they made a WHOLESALE personnel change for the next down. Almost the entire game the Steelers ran at the Patriots run defense and threw against their pass defense (see below). Aside: I'm beginning to think Tomlin is in the same mold as both Noll and Cowher, and not in the best way. NONE of the three was a capable FIELD coach. They were great in preparation, motivation, etc., but none of the three could consistently make significant enough adjustments during the game, or even at halftime, to turn the balance in their teams' favor.

Further, when was the last time any of us ever yelled, "Great call!" in response to a Steelers offensive play? Arians, are you listening?

Does Roethlisberger EVER know who he's going to throw to when he comes out of the huddle? When Brady throws a 12-yard out pattern to Welker the ball is gone even before Welker makes his cut and it's right on the mark. YOU know that HE knows where the ball is going when they break the huddle. 

Ben, stop trying to score a TD on EVERY FREAKING PLAY! Get rid of the ball and stop taking sacks. From Mike Prisuta: "If the ball never gets out of the pocket it doesn't matter what play has been called." I also, as the game progressed, I had the distinct feeling the passing plays were being drawn on the ground in the huddle. "You go out, you go up, you go over the middle and I'll find you. Oh, the rest of you guys block. On two, break!"

What was the defensive game plan? Let Brady do whatever he wants as long as you don't get beat DEEP?!? He might not beat you deep consistently, although he can, but he will positively KILL you with the short pass for as long as you are willing to give it to him. 

Further, If you're not going to blitz or cannot blitz effectively, take the fourth linebacker out, go with the nickel and man-to-man to take away the short passes and FORCE him to throw long. Just tell me HOW the hell could that have been any worse?!?

I'm increasingly becoming convinced that the only defense that can effectively work against New England is a 4-3 NOT a 3-4. Just think about the teams that have beaten them trough the years most notably in SB XLII.

From the stands I didn't see Brady yelling on the sidelines but I'm not sure what exactly he had to yell about. The Patriots had complete control of the game from the start, even at 10-3 at the half. Agreed? BUT, this is FOOTBALL not EVERYONE MAKE HAPPY 101. A little screaming and kicking of ass on the sideline is, at times, REQUIRED and I love it when the QB takes charge and does it! Did you see anyone talking back to him? No. This is an emotional SPORT (not game). You NEED emotion to prevail. It is, most of all, a battle of WILLS! Who the hell ever won a battle of wills without emotion?

Dropped passes in the end zone when the game is 10-0?!? At this point receivers HAVE TO, HAVE TO, HAVE TO make the catch! HAVE TO! The is PRO football, not high school or college. These guys get paid to PERFORM not just to show up.

Take the "hat" away from Randle El and give it to Brown. All El contributes is fair catching punts inside the 10. Both Brown and Sanders can do THAT and El isn't contributing anything to the offense. He's dropped at least 7 passes this season, and that's unacceptable. At least Brown adds another deep threat to the offense. Oh, thee are only three people on the Steelers roster who you can rely on being able to catch the ball: Ward, Miller, and Polamalu. This has been bothering me ALL SEASON LONG.

Thanks to Cleveland for stirring up both New Orleans AND New England just before they played the Steelers. I'm sure it wasn't "intentional" as the site of orange helmets coming out on the field does not strike fear in ANYONE, but...

My offensive strategy: Do what the defense doesn't think you'll do. Defense: Pick on the weakest link, particularly in the passing game, UNTIL THEY STOP YOU FROM DOING IT! What do ya think, huh? THE STEELERS DO NOT DO THIS... EVER! Might give a try, then?

I should go into this in more detail but frankly I'm worn out but, you CANNOT beat New England with makeshift offensive AND defensive lines.

Again, from Mike Prisuta, "I don't know if they'll ever beat Tom Brady." Me either (see HATE above).

P.S. Thanks to the guys who sat beside me. I really enjoyed thoughtfully analyzing the game. It was either that or jump out of the upper deck.