Thursday, November 18, 2010

After a uncharacteristically petulant day...

...I'm back. Sorry about that. The Patriots whoop-assing of the Steelers really got to me in that it was the first time EVER I had been in attendance for a post-Pitt Stadium Steelers' loss. Before that they don't count. Well, I hadn't been to that many games since I left Pittsburgh in May of 1973, but I had a nice 9-0 streak going for me (including SBs IX and X). That being said, back to business...

Based on what I said about Brady and Belichick in my post-game blog I don't really believe the following but I thought you might find them amusing (from

Football Scouting Methods by Bill Belichick.
Page 1, Chapter 1: Cheat.

Tom Brady's wireless hair curler runs on pure arrogance. 

Well, I guess Belichick DID cheat but I don't think it's what makes him a genius of a coach. There I said it again!

What's that all about? Back in September my wife and I went to a Maggiano's in Plano, TX. Of course, being football season, I was wearing a Steelers shirt of some kind. Long story short the manager was a huge Patriots fan and we made a bet; Steelers win I get a free meal, Patriots win I wear a Patriots shirt. Even before the start of the season, I was confident based on the number of times Brady had already beaten the Steelers. Well, I'm really not sure I can wear a Patriots shirt so instead I am going to offer as a substitute my post-game blog which includes high praise for Belichick and Brady. We'll see how it goes.

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