Wednesday, February 23, 2011


A recent Facebook post proclaimed: "Profanity is the refuge of the incompetent." 

No, I'm FAR, FAR from incompetent. Profanity is the preferred communication method of the REALLY PISSED OFF, TOTALLY FRUSTRATED, RIGHTEOUSLY INDIGNANT PATRIOT! 

For 59 years I have obeyed the law, respected the rights of others, payed my taxes, "defended" the United States in any way a regular citizen could against ANYONE and now I've sat here for the last 20 months, unemployed, and watched it going to hell essentially unable to do anything. 

I vigorously backed the Tea Party Republicans and what did that get me/us? A measly $60 billion in spending cuts (1.67%)!?! 

Now we've got Muslims, becoming more brazen every minute, spouting off all over the country threatening this, that and the other thing and REPUBLICANS are the enemy because they want to cut SPENDING (and not throats)?!?!?! 

"You can NOT be SERIOUS!" -- John McEnroe

Obie and he's liberal bleeps [I can't think of a noun strong enough] spending our money, our children's money and our grandchildren's money not giving a shit about the consequences...

... I just can't stand to even write any more

"It's a huge shit sandwich and we're all gonna have to take a bite." -- FMJ