Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Another initiative put forward by people who obviously value U.S. citizenship so lowly they feel it should be given away like candy. 

The crux of the DREAM Act is that illegal minors would be provided citizenship if they attended college or served in the military. 

Firstly, I don't think non-citizens should be permitted to serve in the military at all. I know some want to prove their loyalty to the U.S. by doing so, and that is noble. But I would only go for it if all CITIZENS were required to serve in the military. This is the case in many countries including Norway. What could a non-citizen's other motivations be for wanting to join the military? It could be a motivation such as that of Fort Hood gunman Nidal Malik Hasan's. Yes, he is a U.S. citizen but did it make any difference in that case? A non-citizen could be more likely to commit such an act, or perhaps spy. We even have citizen lunkheads doing that (Wikileaker Bradley Manning).

Secondly, how does attending college equate to anything with respect to citizenship? Now that colleges are simply liberal propaganda factories. Funny how once getting a "liberal" education resulted in a broadening of one's views not narrowing. Further, under what requirements will these illegals be admitted. Surely their qualifications will not be as high as many U.S. citizens. If they could get a quality education in their own country they might not even be here. Therefore, they will be admitted at lower standards than the citizen competition. It's bad enough we've lost millions of jobs in this trying time. It would be a crime to then cheat citizens out of a college education.

Rosanna Pulido, Chicagoan and one-time candidate for Congress attended a rally against the DREAM Act. She said the following:
The Dream Act is not a dream for most Americans. It is a nightmare! It is a nightmare for the millions who are unemployed, it is a nightmare for the many who have waited to gain United States citizenship legally, and it is a nightmare to those who have played by the rules and pay high rates of college tuition. Where is Senator Durbin’s sense of justice? Is he just playing politics with the aspirations of hard working Americans? Is he playing politics with Martin Luther King, Jr.? American citizenship is too highly valued to be given away to those who break our laws. I have a dream. It is a dream different from Senator Durbin’s dream. I have a dream that once and for all we will reward those who follow the law in the United States, not break the law. If you have this same dream, you will oppose the Dream Act with me.
Enough said. 

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