Friday, December 24, 2010


"Nice" game but nice doesn't win championships, guys. 

GOOD news:

1. Heath is back. God if they had only had them last week. Thank you fine-able hit at Baltimore.

2. SOMEONE in the defensive backfield, whose name isn't Troy, intercepts a pass. Please continue this trend.

3. Offense scored some TDs.

4. Nice to have Hines show up in the offense again.

BAD news:

1. When you're playing a team that is 2-12 you need to score TDs every time you have a opportunity.

2. Still do not understand the offensive game plan, if there really is one. Hopefully, someone will pull the pacifier out of Ben's mouth next year, have him grow up, and and next year Arians will be gone Arians.

3. As I stated many weeks ago, I am not encouraged that, realistically speaking, the "season" has come down to the final game in Cleveland.

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