Monday, September 26, 2011


1. Can anyone suggest there is a worse Offensive Coordinator in the NFL than Bruce Arians? What NFL OC has more to work with and accomplishes less?

2. With receivers like Ward, Miller, Wallace, Sanders and Brown why bring in SAUNDERS and actually THROW to him ON A CRITICAL 3rd DOWN PLAY?!?

3. Could the Steelers' O-Line injury woes be Ben's fault? GET RID OF THE DAMN BALL! YOU DON'T HAVE TO TRY TO SCORE A TOUCHDOWN ON EVERY PLAY! If you're too stupid to save yourself from injury think of those poor schmucks in front of you who have to block for 6, 7, 8, 9 seconds when people are coming from all angles for Christ's sake! [I think I said the same things last season.] 

4. Oh, did I say anything about how much Arians STINKS?!?

5. TOMLIN: Learn how to use the red flag! Last week you threw it when it was clearly a useless ploy at the goal line. On the Colts tying drive you should have used the challenge (you had two left) on the first down near mid-field. There is no way in hell they made it. Oh, I guess you KNEW you were going to need those extra seconds at the end of the game that another play at that time would have run down. If so, BS, you just don't know what the hell you're doing.

6. The Steelers have played the Colts in the past where Freeney and Mathis were not even a factor. So WHAT UP?!? 

7. Trying to run out the clock and set up for the winning field goal the Steelers actually ran the ball well RIGHT UP OVER CENTER. Why not try that earlier?

8. Slants, crossing patterns, and Miller straight upfield were open ALL NIGHT! Sure it's "fun" to throw the ball 40, 50 yards downfield but WHY if you don't have to?

9. COMPLIMENT: Ben actually executed the best QB sneak of his career in the first half. Try to remember what you did, dummy!

Those are the easy ones. More when I calm down to about a 12 out of 10!

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