Thursday, December 15, 2011


I watched THE hit again last night and from the side angle view there was a little over one second from the time McCoy pulled the ball up into the passing position and got rid of it and when James Harrison hit him. I really don't think there was any time at all for Harrison to "correct" his trajectory to hit McCoy in any way other than where he obviously intended to hit him when he was, by rule, a runner. Watch it.

I had a discussion with my son-in-law about it last night over my birthday dinner and he feels Harrison is plain "stupid." I don't believe this. I think he's tremendously mean and stubborn. Even some of his teammates are afraid of him. In preseason practices Tomlin puts him on punt coverage to test the metal of rookie returners. Most of them "flinch" if Harrison even gets near them.

However, it is intensely selfish of him to continue to the point of being suspended which, as Mike Prisuta said, "suspends the whole team." The Steelers have a very important game this weekend and with Roethlisberger hurt they will need their entire defense. If Lamar Woodley is unable to play hen Harrison's move with have doubly hurt his team's chances. To this I say, "Bad form."

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