Wednesday, March 28, 2012


CB WILLIAM GAY IS THE MOST SIGNIFICANT LOSS OF THE OFF SEASON--Disagree. I think James Farrior is the most significant loss. It means that the first backup at one of the LB positions will be a rookie or a player with little experience. Plus I think Farrior had at least one good season left in his career and was a leader as defensive captain the past couple of years.

KEENAN (IVORY) LEWIS WILL BE STARTING WITH IKE TAYLOR AT CB NEXT SEASON--Agree. I don't know if it's significant but that will probably be the tandem in September.

THE STEELERS ARE WINNING FREE AGENCY IN THE AFC NORTH--Ah, I dunno. If losing the least represents winning I'd have to answer with a definite maybe. Unfortunately, one of Cincinnati losses was a New England gain which is never good for the Steelers.

THE JETS ADDING TIM TEBOW WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO--Disagree. As I've stated before, this makes the Jets a true circus, hurting Mark Sanchez's confidence and sending out mixed messages to their fans. The question of Tebow's contributions will be continually asked, particularly of the players, and at some point one of them will crack and the controversy will be on.

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