Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Harrison v. World

From the National Football Post (10/18/10) -

Pittsburgh Steelers fearsome outside linebacker James Harrison makes no apologies for his concussion-inducing hits on Cleveland Browns wide receivers Josh Cribbs and Mohamed Massaquoi.

''I don't want to injure anybody,'' Harrison said. ''There's a big difference between being hurt and being injured. You get hurt, you shake it off and come back the next series or the next game. I try to hurt people.''
Harrison is one of the most intimidating players in the league.
He's also under scrutiny for his hits against the Browns' wideouts.
He wasn't penalized, but the league is looking into the hit on Massaquoi.
The NFL has determined that the hit on Cribbs was legal.
Browns tight end Ben Watson thinks that Harrison should be punished.
''I hope the NFL does the max, whatever the max is, I hope they give it to him,'' Watson said.
Harrison's zeal for contact is high-intensity, all the time.
''I thought Cribbs was asleep,'' Harrison said. ''A hit like that geeks you up, especially when you find out the guy is not really hurt, he's just sleeping. He's knocked out but he's going to be OK.''

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