Monday, October 18, 2010

Politics I

Hi. I thought I'd start this blog off right: Holy crap! I just saw a political commercial during the Penguins-Senators game (so it pertains to a PA race) concerning a, you got it, Republican running for Congress who wants to institute a flat tax. And the usual liberal arguments against flat taxes commence: Paris Hilton's taxes are cut, Jane Doe's taxes go up; Ray Lewis's (at least they didn't say Ben Roethlisbereger's) taxes are cut, Joe Schmoe's taxes go up. What could be more "fair" (liberal definition used here) than a flat tax? Huh? Everybody pays the SAME rate. But, since some "rich" guy's taxes will be cut (which would probably include Pelosi's, Obama's, Kennedy's (oh shit, he's dead), Biden's, et al, (obviously not mentioned) we must protest! Evil, evil, rich, Republican white male(s) be damned! It doesn't matter that their wealth may pay other's salaries, they must be punished with the tax code. How dare they... blah, blah, blah, blah... Just mail it in I've heard it all before.

 Tell 'em 'bout it Ray.

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