Saturday, March 24, 2012


I'm not sure who said this but I saw it on the NFL Channel in a restaurant with the sound off. It is, however, right on, with this guy being the ringmaster, pontificator, braggart, and clown all rolled up into one. Did I mention fat "lady?"

And now he, along with the Jets brass, have created the perfect storm of quarterback controversy before it is even officially "on." 

First, you've got this guy, your incumbent QB, the "movie star," who even though having taken your team to the playoffs has really been playing worse each season since that first playoff appearance. The guy who, if the defense isn't carrying him is more of a liability than an asset. The guy who needs his ego boosted all the time by the coaching staff. And what do they do? They bring in this other guy.

Yeah, him. The guy who really can't throw straight. Another guy who won his first ever playoff game against someone we won't mention. Thing is, his management didn't really want him for most of the season. Then, when they bring in this guy named Manning, he REALLY isn't wanted so they sent him east into one of the foulest environments of which a QB can conceive, especially when he doesn't play well, NEW YORK CITY. Do you think he looks depressed?

So what is this going to do for the first guy's ego and self-confidence. Right. Only make the problem worse. And the second guy, who probably won't be first will probably do well enough to be considered first because the first guy has been totally crushed. Are you getting this?

Well, guess who has to manage all this. Yeah, the ringmaster who really doesn't even like quarterbacks because he was exclusively a defensive coach before going to the Jets. That's right, a guy who only knows how to destroy quarterbacks, which he has now done to the first guy. Isn't life wonderful? Or, for the Jets, what goes around... goes around... and around... and...

Did I mention that his own teammates didn't want the first guy? They wanted that Manning guy.

Someone is gonna have a lotta splainin' to do when the fit finally his the shan. Much more later, I'm sure.

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