Thursday, March 22, 2012


It's gotta be delightful being Mark Sanchez. You've got a fat blowhard of a coach who keeps predicting Super Bowls (that's funny enough), some of your teammates think you're a screw-up (they only THINK it?) and now the brass wants Tim Tebow [hearty laughter ensues]. What's REALLY funny about this is that Tebow looks like a misfit at times, too. It appears the Jets want two of them, a righty and a lefty. Perhaps the "strategery" is to alternate the two of you by offensive series trying to keep the defenses confused as in, "Which arm is this guy gonna throw with?" This would also make it harder for defenses to know which arm to knock the ball out of.

One thing for sure, Tebow can run and take hits better than you. But remember what New England did to Tebow? And now he has to play them twice EVERY season. Oh my, this is too good to be true. Well, perhaps this is like the golf hustler joke and Tebow is actually RIGHT handed and will unveil his true identity next season for the Jets taking the league by storm. Could be.

But wait, there's a glitch. Something about the contract. I'm guessing the Jets don't want to pay Tebow THAT much, really. Perhaps there's still hope for Jacksonville, then. At least there it's obvious who the worst QB on the team would be.

Manning: "Say goodbye, Tim." 
Tebow: "Goodbye, Tim."

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